October 22, 2024

Donor Benefits

AASF Giving Levels & Donor Recognition

The Association for Academic Surgery Foundation Board of Trustees has set different minimum funding levels for all donations. Individual donors are listed on the AASF website and recognized at the annual Academic Surgical Congress.

Gifts to the AASF Endowment Fund provide a way for individuals and companies to provide long-term support towards the AASF mission. For more information about gifts to the AASF Endowment Fund please contact Gina Hardiman at 310.437.1606 ext. 178 or e-mail gina@aasfoundation.org.

AASF Leadership Level Donors

  • Recognition on the AASF website
  • Special Donor Level Badge Ribbon to be worn at the annual Academic Surgical Congress

AASF Endowment Fund Donor Benefits include:

  • Recognition in the fund name. Example: The AASF Oncology Research Fund, made possible through generous support from (your company)
  • Recognition on both AASF and AAS websites as a AASF Research Fund Donor
  • Plaque that will hang at donor’s company/institution
  • Special recognition at exhibit booth during Academic Surgical Congress
  • Signage at the Academic Surgical Congress Annual Meeting
  • Full Page Ad in Journal of Surgical Research

Download AASF Donation Form

The Association for Academic Surgery Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the State of California, USA. Our Tax ID number is 41-2135059. All donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowable by law.